Watercolour and graphite pencil. The native floral arrangement has been formed around a horseshoe as a reminder of the lively fascinators during the racing carnivals. Soft watercolour tones were enriched by the subtle pencil over drawings.

Watercolour with pencil overlay on IXL timecards collected from the Hunter Street in Tasmania.

Watercolour with graphite pencil overlay. The work was inspired by the beautiful rhododendron gardens at the Cataract Gorge in Launceston.

Watercolour with graphite pencil overlay. Pears were processed at the Henry Jones IXL jam factory for many years. These pears have been drawn on time sheets collected from the Hunter Street site after it was abandoned.

Watercolour with graphite pencil overlay. The workers timesheets have been collected from the abandoned Henry Jones IXL Jam Factory, Hobart Tasmania.

Coloured pencil on paper. (105 x 83cm). This drawing is a study of Jan Van Eyck’s self portrait but abstracting and turning the elaborate cloth hat that he wears.

Coloured pencil, graphite pencil on paper, found objects. My swimming lessons were at the freezing Derby swimming pool in Tasmania. The pool was formed through a diversion of the Cascade river and our lessons were often shared by trout and blackberries.

Coloured and graphite pencil on paper, watercolour, painted stick, gold leaf and ink. ( 100 x 35 x 8cm). This work is a contemporary study of the Dutch Masters paintings and symbolism of the 1600’s.

Coloured pencil overlay on ink wash drawing. (72 x 92cm framed). This work refers to the longing for the gardens and plants of Europe within the colonial landscape of Tasmania.